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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feed Burner and Google-The Blogger Facing Fears, even while Serving Honestly and investing from Pocket Money-An Appeal 2 Authorities 4 Better Services

For my amazement there are so many links that we may use to help one another. Now, the point is that using referral and or affiliate links within the article body seems odd to many, while they ignore that what is the POP UP all about! The referral link as they blame is to get the referral click benefits, but there are so such things.

Only few programs offer click links for referral and they pay noting for click though it may be 10000.

So amazed I am at such superior Adsesne Competitors that they do not too many ads on the blog. Then what, we have to have their ads only. It is a grave crime against the writers. We labor do and night for years to serve society and while they earn from our books and other writings, they find a cheater among us. I am published author of 15 books and with 50 books already in Que and have spend two decades in writing, and they simply want to catch the thief, while catching the hard work to attack.

They do not have to ignore the fact that the writers are the bridge between what is happening in the society, whereas the ads are just for getting commissions for marketing, very great, but it helps only 2% of the writers around the world. The bloggers need some respect as they mostly write articles. You know the bloggers do not earn a lot. Not more than 10% cross the 4 or 5 figure of bugs.

This turmoil needs attention from AdSEsne that there is a drastic need to allow the referral and affiliate links within the article to promote the morals. The logic is simple-it is same as the POP UPS. I am well aware about it, however the FeedBurner shows that the bloggers cannot add something that goes to iTune or other listeners.

I have so many warnings at the FeedBurner Troubleshoot about it-one may be using Word, so use NOTEPAD. You see it can be offered at the blog services, I have tried the NOTE PAD, but the problem is still there.

Anybody home, can you hear me. Yes thanks, you know that frustrations and irritation are NOT AT ALL convey any kind of so called HATRED or DISLIKE, it is simply appealing that it is not comfortable for many people and leads to ills and pills, otherwise there is nothing wrong. We all handle problems. If I seem to miss the bus I can shout. This shouting is same as shouting in the stadium to cheer up and encourage the players, it is not nuisance-irritating, rather it is make some sense. We may difference in words, but in the feelings. Thanks and Thanks!

The listeners enjoy, but they never understand that the content writers are getting the ONLINE torture and if one is black listed and after some months the obstacles are created either to remove the content or the blogs get spammed or disappear.

All of it happens out of the blue. I wonder if there is any respect for the writers because the sellers do not respect them, they simple respect the writer that pays the profits and keep on discouraging the others, I feel it a ONLINE GENOCIDE for the creativity and thus the creative arts. This guy may be looking for bugs and that is why it (not he or she, it)shouts.

I am ashamed of such Internet activities and the so much professional that we all working online as the LIVE PRODUCTS if the philosophy of idealism is real. You see we may be target of profits rather than the fellow human around the globe if it keeps on going. It can be anyone that if profitable becomes a product.

So, I strongly appeal to the authorities concerned to allow the writers and the bloggers honestly without the fear of getting sacked from doing free social service with using the pocket money helping that widow's dead son drowned in the sea will return one day-and it always returns-happy home coming-at the end to embrace her, while she dies. Thanks for reading so far and let us move to the point.

© Dr. Harmander Singh (© Protected and archived by Seal™ File)

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