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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to Add Ads Instead of Pictures and Earn: Free Qumana Blog Services for Bloggers and Writers

The Qumana Blog Services are easy to use and offer almost all possible ways for writers and blogger's to earn online. One point that we think offline is that online and offline do not differ so greatly. We always remain on, whether we are in bed or awake. It is because life moves on until we are alive. Even after we have passed away, the life still runs. It is the beauty of life, is not it.

So, we share the drop of water from the sea and leave it back to the sea.

This services gives insert ad that may not be an easy thing to believe in many cases except in the contextual ads. Here we take an example, suppose I write how to blog. Now I simply login to account at Adgenta. What I get is as below:

Ads by

Now I have ad appearing as above. It is a wonder is not it.

As a write I may think about alternatives.Tags: , ,

I just typed the three words and these appear as above.

Then I got crazy to add two ads in the same post!

Let us try it:

Ads by

Yes, I cannot believe it, but there is an ad. So, now, we have two ads in the same post.

How I need to finish this post is just to add third ad, and just thank the new service of Adgenta. Let us use the ad word Adgenta and see how it appears in ad:

Ads by

See what it says, add ad as if pictures.  Yes, it is that easy.

Thanks for your time.

P.S.: It is a test post and thus I would request to check it:

Will I violate my Terms of Service with Google if I use AdGenta?

We do not speak for or otherwise interpret Google or Google's legal policies, or Google's terms of service. If you have a question about Google's TOS, please contact Google. If you want to contact Google, you can mention that the keyword field drives the ads, therefore they are not contextual. If the keyword field is left blank, the ads will be plugged in out of a default inventory, not context.
Our terms are open - you are welcome to use AdGenta with any other advertising program.

(With thanks from the source:

Thanks again for your time.

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Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What I passed in my first year of Graduation in B. Sc. (Math) studies at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide. South Australia in 1990-91

I have passed first year of Graduation in B. Sc. (Math) studies at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide. South Australia in 1990-91 with Physics I, Math I and thus the following (Study load 24 points and work 20 hours per week, with 1 Distinction and a Credit):

1. Introduction to Metaphysics (Philosophy IA)

2. Introduction to Morality, Society and the Individual (Philosophy IB)

3. Introduction to Physics, Man and Society I

4. Introduction to Logic I (The Art of Logically Creative Criticism)

5. Math I

6. Physics I

I have had carried the following research works (thesis works) and seminar at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia in 1990:          

1.    A Seminar on Physics: Natural Science-Individual and the Society

2.    Law of Gravitation-Generalization of Development of Human Intellect (Distinction)

3.    Is There Any Possibility of Life in the Universe? –A Natural Human Quest (Credit)   

4.    Does Soul Exist? : A Confirmatory Argument by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

5.    Existence of God and Problem of Evil-A Discussion on the Problem of Goodness and Evil

6.    The Hard Determinism, the Soft Determinism and Liberalism-Problem of Free Will

7.    Does Morality Depend on Religion? -A Discussion on Divine Command Theory

Thanks for your reading.

P.S.: The above shared certificate of passing my first year is the xerox or photocopy of the original. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I received the distinction in the Advanced Level Study and Communication Skills from High Performance Learning in Australia

The Best Tutor in the World is in Australia

I have studied from Mr. Chris Brooks in the 1992, when he visited our home in India. He taught me an intensive study course in High Performance Learning. It improved my marks by 10% at graduation level. With thanks to his intensive training and the tests in the High Performance Learning, I received the distinction (A+) in the Advanced Level Study and Communication Skills. Well, you see I may not describe how many creative and logical skills I have learned from him. Now I am a writer in three languages (mainly the English) with three published books in English, media consultant, and co-producer with an approved pilot episode on Indian Philosophy of Mysticism, Religion and Metaphysics in the modern context, the blend of Eastern and Western knowledge with modern and the ancient touch, while also working as an education counselor. There are diversified works I do, in which his contribution is significantly marvelous.

I remember when he gave his first instructions, “you see it is totally different kind of learning with sincere dedication; so you will have to eat when I allow you and sit as long as it takes time to grasp all that I teach, all right,” he said. I happily agreed and he taught me for more than 100 hours in a week. Meanwhile, he recorded a program on our family, named, ‘Music in the House of Milk’, while teaching, tutoring, training and counseling with study skills, techniques and methods. He would give me work to do after each lesson, and then start doing his work. “You have grasped it well,” he said, when I finished my learning. “Can I teach it to others?” I asked. “No, first master it, then teach others,” he said. I followed his instructions. Thousands of the students received benefit from it as I carried his ideals from school teaching, tutoring and counseling to deliver lectures at the universities organizing, conducting and delivering the lectures, seminars, and workshops.
He and his institution High Performance Learning is one of the best in the world with his original and innovative ideas. It is useful for all and a lifetime experience. All it says is just to visit to explore for self-knowledge  

The Bright Future for All Creative Writers:

Well, the unique for new publishing offers seems great, the dealings with the writers and authors as if a library for the next generations. It is the kind of revolution, which is evolving from the sincere work in the science and technology. With new inventions, the literary missions are on the way for all. One of such great example is conversion of the books to make it available for learning, teaching and tutoring, an easy way for all. This global mission for education, literacy and research is on the It is fulfilling the need of global literary missions, it needs a sincere effort to understand and utilize it.     

The is to help the writers and others to contribute what know as a call for all to make the global awareness for creative writing. The submission to this great work can be a joy as if the website speaking in the voice of the writer while healing the weak points that need little bit of pressure of significance and importance. It is easy way, just making an article appearing for others as all it says the Just explore it.

The Inspiring Short Autobiography of an Educator

He is a distinguished educator in an unusual and extraordinary way, and in my opinion, he is a global legend as an educator. The ideal people never want to get credits and crowns, they just set the steps for others to follow, he is one of them. He teaches, tutors, trains and counsels the learners with such a devotional dedication that his dutifulness always results in the practical enhancement in the all round development of the individual.

Well, meeting Chris Brooks is one of the ideal ways to learn not just on the High Learning process, but to meet a noble person, the wonderful experience to have an advantage of direct learning as if one meets knowledge in the form of wisdom. He is not only an educator, but also a spiritual person. His short autobiography is worth reading on and as the principal

Copyright by Dr. Harmander Singh-Protected and archived by World_Wide_OCR_dot_com Seal (TM) File, Canada

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Friends in Australia Wanted to Help in a Humanitarian Way - Waiting a Reply

The above two page humanitarian appeal says it all. Thanks!

Self - Study and Learning - My University Lectures and Published Book

Well, as a teacher at high school, I did many works to improve my students. To my amazement, it resulted in a wonder, which I have as my beliefs for improving the teaching and learning process to make both the teachers, parents and students at ease and peace. These beliefs are as the skills, methods and the techniques. I noted my beliefs and published a book to promote these beliefs for Self Study and Learning, I gave it the name, Philselfology for Peace. The most important noted beliefs, while interacting with my students are as follows:

1.    OS-Belief: Out of syllabus, this is what we do when we are learning anything in the classroom or elsewhere, we recall and relate so many things which has nothing to do with what we are learning. Suppose our teacher tells us that earth revolves around the Sun and we may think that we revolve around the chocolate or our teacher may ask us "Why are the plants green?" and we reply "Sir, it is because the sky is blue." or perhaps "It is because they are green, sir. (Hope you are not a philosopher)". What we want to say is that is very hard to learn if we do not follow it, you see it helps us to keep our eyes on what we learn.

2.    5-Belief: Sounds, odd, well, sometimes, our efforts to learn and do self-study do not appear or come out to be fruitful. The five fruits are the good desire, thought, action, dedication and devotion, which our tree of wisdom gives, when our efforts water it.  This need getting help from others as well as from our selves. All those who believe in religion, spiritualism and divinity know about the power of prayer. Even those who do not believe in religion, but believe in philosophy, psychology and the similar know the power of introspection, insight, concentration or even meditation etc. With this as a method we try to pray, meditate, introspect, and use insights etc. for betterment of our self-study and learning for peace of mind and studies.

3.    123-Belief: We meet and talk to great people of all times through books and or direct contact. If we indulge in the interactions as the first, second and the third person, we may not learn the art of communication. Without this art, the self-study and peace seem difficult to attain. Our feeling of reverence activates our Self Study and Learning through and from them. If we accept that we are dependent upon great people and experts, we will be able to learn more from them. It is parallel to saying that if we believe that we know and understand everything, we will be doing lesser SSL or perhaps not at all. The great learners always believe that there is much more to learn. It is 'practical thanks' to great people or experts. 123-Belief means if we do not respect and honor others, particularly our sources of learning, they will be helpless to stay, help and improve us.

Well with these three strong beliefs, I went to give lectures even to the postgraduate students and others, while finding that it works as a wonder. The difference of thought is present among teachers, parents, and students and between teachers and students, students etc. Well, if it affects our Self Study and Learning in any form, we may not learn and acquire the fruits, the gifts, which education, research, and thus the tree of wisdom offers us freely. I have this belief as a practical approach for self-felt learning giving the desired fruits.

Thanks for your reading.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My 3 Oaths and Letters of Appreciation from Australia and District Education Officer of Patiala

I have taken 3 Oaths and it helps me in keep going:

Scout Oath

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God[1] and my country,
To help other people at all times,
And to obey the Scout/Guide Law.

The Scout/Guide Law has the following main points included in the 3rd Scout Oath:

Scout Law

1. A Scout/Guide is trustworthy

2. A Scout/Guide is loyal

3. A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.

4. A Scout/Guide is courteous

5. A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.

6. A Scout/Guide is disciplined and helps protect public property.

7. A Scout/Guide is courageous.

8. A Scout/Guide is thrifty.

9. A Scout/Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.

This movement serving worldwide has a mission:

"The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society."

[1] - The word "Dharma" may be substituted for the word "God" if so desired.

( )

The Main Website in India:

Like all other scout and guide masters around the world, I have taken these 3 oaths on 14th of August, 1996, while obtained the Certificate of Basic Scout Master at the Tara Devi Camp, the hilly station near Shimla in Himachal Pardesh.

I received a Letter of Appreciation from District Education Officer as shown above.

The other letter is from my principal, Mr. I. B. Muirden where I studied 10+2 (Year 11 and 12) at Adelaide, South Australia. There was an Indian scout master.

Many of my readers and some friends think that I write bit roughly about western countries and in some cases about the Australia. It is totally false and wrong assumption. Why?

Reason: We know the people in the west never interfere with life of others, but some, a very few people have started to play tactics for changing public opinions in the west, and thus people in the advanced or the developed countries have started to give opinions, which they have never done in the human history before, and still avoid to do so when we discuss with them seeking any personal opinion.

It is dignity and standard of living in the civilized cultures, which need attention not just in the developed countries, but also in the developing countries. My point is not at all about any western country, but the ones, who create and thus influence the opinions. In my more than 24 months studies in Australia, I did not meet even a single person, who would ever give any opinion. What media says is not public opinion.

We the people in the east and west love one another, but the opinions promote business and marketing, and thus as I said it what I write or say has nothing to do with the nation or its public, but a very few people. I hope it clarifies my point.

Thanks for your reading it. 

Written and contributed by Dr. Harmander Singh

Friday, March 26, 2010

Free Earning by Reading and Rating Articles

By reading an article and rating can be source of earning. It is an engaging activity when we can spare time to learn to earn, while enjoying.

You may read at my profile that one of my work is to provide some opportunities of earning to earn as little as giving attention to earn a penny.

Most of the writers and other people do not earn a lot from affiliate and referral systems, but as we have the marketplace at Life Dynamix and directory in which we can register our works so that we can earn is a good thing.

The sure things may miss the shot, but a leisure activities can make success in life, so is this place to read articles and earn.

Life Dynamix allows to give affiliate and referral links so that if one likes it can use it. If not allowed, I would have avoided it. however, imagine that one wants to sell any product understanding the concept of affiliate and referral system is an ideal way to learn it.

It is not gambling or something that we avoid at social networks as our aim is to learn about affiliate and referral systems to earn in a better way.

So, if anyone feels just reading articles and getting paid, it is here. Thanks!