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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to Earn a Lot More with Top 21 Revenue Sharing Websites and Blogs for Writers-Exploring New Resources for Increasing Your Online Income

If you want to earn, while learning and writing, the article is for you and a good one to start with AdSense and otherwise Revenue Sharing Websites are of great help. We have many, but we focus on the main ones that the best in my opinion to learn and have more command, authority and authenticity over what anyone wants to write.

There are some websites not only accept the articles, but also the audio, video and other ways for creative works. We need to spend some time on doing research work about the services and options that each of the website offers.

On point is very important and that is of joining it. The websites keep on upgrading and new features are added gradually. Now, suppose, one have lots of works to be done, the referring it to the fellow writers can give some income to them and if they earn one shares a little, which otherwise goes to those, who may not be either fellow or even a writer. One can earn without writing. It is as if helping one another.

It is simple. Let us start with the following 21 ways:

  1. Squidoo: It is one of the best ways to write something on any topic that can give enough information to the readers. It is similar to how to do something in the way the writer believes is the best for others. It has so many features to promote the works that one can not simply ignore it. The ease of creating the article, the cell is done with simple steps and one has all that makes a difference for a writer or a contributor, while earning as well.
  2. Factoidz: The best point for the experienced writers is the Factoidz. Now, why I say it is the best because it offers one to learn and have more authority and authenticity over what anyone wants to write and it leads to be an expert in the field.
  3. Bukisa: It not only offers the revenue share to all contributors, but also offers the best referral benefits for all works that are 25% for the first level and more earning even with second level (tier) options of referrals. One can earn lot more with own works and the one that the referred ones do. So, it is one of the best and newly emerged and full fledged options that offers one to publish all articles that has been previously published on any other websites or blogs. Thus, it gives huge referral bonus to writers or whoever joins it. It has made a great start and has established within a short period of time.
  4. Xomba: One of most popular website for any writer is Xomba. It offers a great diversification and one can publish almost anything because there is no editing for the works submitted though the work should be for the general readers and audience.
  5. Hubpages: It is a special in a way that each article is treated as a hub. It has gives writers an opportunity to explore the best out of original works. The
  6. Associated Content: It has some specialization features and the offers that can help anyone to both write an original content and the ones that have been already published elsewhere.
  7. Constant Content: The constant content gives an opportunity for the writers to sell articles with so many options that one can earn from it as if selling a book.
  8. eHow: It is one of the best platforms for writers to learn about how to write articles that relate to ‘how to’ and ‘how I did it’. It has the readers and writers that give interaction. One can start with little knowledge and simply adding what others do on eHow can make one expert. It has many features to be added including the videos.
  9. Triond: It is among one of most useful website for writers. It does not need lots of elaboration if one is having a level of new writer or an expert. It gives all possible options to the writers.
  10. Flixya: It is the only website for writers and other creative people that shares 100% of revenue generated by the AdSense. If one does not want to have blog work done, though it is most recommended, the Flixya is an alternative. The Flixya offers more features than blog with all revenue from the AdSense for every work done. However, it needs AdSense, so blog comes as the first need. We discuss about creating the AdSense account in 5 easy steps at the end of the article.
  11. Oondi: It offers the 100% revenue generated from AdSense to the writers for the articles, reviews, tutorials, stories and the similar contributions.
  12. Suite101: It needs some command on the language and topic; however it is great to join and work with it. Suite 101 is for writing for the revenue sharing.
  13. Helium: It is also one the finest way for writers to earn in a various ways as upfront payments, daily revenue share and also earning from the contests.
  14. Demand Studios: It has diversified services from writing to film making. If one has any talent, it is one of the future platforms. If one has nothing to do even then joining a website with special email created for such works always helps for future.
  15. TextBroker: It deals with providing services through writing to the clients. It needs a little specialization.
  16. My Orble: It is a way to specialize in Blogging with help of other bloggers. We can learn and earn here. The writer can get a great opportunity at this junction of bloggers.
  17. It is writing and earning from free blog service that is available for all writers. It gives more of the free coupons and exposures to the blogs that one creates.
  18. MyLot: Some writers can do a marvelous work in helping others through their writings and MyLot offers the platform. One do not need to be expert, but just giving answers, opinions, suggestions and so many other helpful tips in any manner that has meaning. One earns in so many easy and interactive ways for answering, asking, getting replies.
  19. Info Barrel: It is a websites that invites articles on barrel of information on the various subjects and topics about how to articles on general subjects. It has a wonderful scope to promote the blogs at the same time.
  20. It is very good to start learning abstract which later on help to be able to write on the major websites. It has some very useful features that are really helpful.
  21. Your Own Blog: It simply needs the links to follow at the points described below.

You see as a writer, one need to learn and earn because the writers are the best learners and they never teach others, but help to learn in a better way. Let us get the AdSense right at your blogs in just 5 easy steps explained below.

1. First of all, one needs to have Gmail account. So, here is the simple link for it:

Open Gmail Account

2. The next step is to open a blog. It needs only three steps.

Just go for it, you have the simple link to follow to do it:

Create Your Blog

And also doing some how work helps. Now, we move to the next point.

3. The next point is the welcoming one as it is about How to Start Blog. Once you finish doing some home work, yes posting and or publishing an article will do.

Now, we are going to create our AdSense Account!

4. It is very simple; you have Gmail account and the blog URL, so here we go for the last option. Fill the form as it appears by clicking HERE to open your AdSense Account.

Now comes the next point as now you have Gmail, blog and AdSense account. You simply need something from the AdSense account to place it at the XOMBA and all other places in which you need to give the AdSense Publisher Id. Let us find where it is.

5. Your AdSense Publisher Id is present both in your AdSense account and Blog. You need it so find it by clicking HERE after your first 4 steps are complete. Here you are with all details. Now we will discuss about how to put or place it at the blog, so that you may earn.

You can also put or place it on your blogs. How? Well just click HERE to know.

To add your AdSense to any website that needs as the example is the XOMBA, to know more details, which are not, though, of great importance, kindly click HERE and also find how much you earn. However, NEVER CLICK your own AdSense ads, it is violation of rules and your account may be canceled.

Please do not hesitate to ask any question if you face any trouble that is why we all are here at the LifeDynamix Community. The LifeDynamix is a newly emerging concept of Wellness for All.

Thanks and Best of Everything!