Well, as a teacher at high school, I did many works to improve my students. To my amazement, it resulted in a wonder, which I have as my beliefs for improving the teaching and learning process to make both the teachers, parents and students at ease and peace. These beliefs are as the skills, methods and the techniques. I noted my beliefs and published a book to promote these beliefs for Self Study and Learning, I gave it the name, Philselfology for Peace. The most important noted beliefs, while interacting with my students are as follows:
1. OS-Belief: Out of syllabus, this is what we do when we are learning anything in the classroom or elsewhere, we recall and relate so many things which has nothing to do with what we are learning. Suppose our teacher tells us that earth revolves around the Sun and we may think that we revolve around the chocolate or our teacher may ask us "Why are the plants green?" and we reply "Sir, it is because the sky is blue." or perhaps "It is because they are green, sir. (Hope you are not a philosopher)". What we want to say is that is very hard to learn if we do not follow it, you see it helps us to keep our eyes on what we learn.
2. 5-Belief: Sounds, odd, well, sometimes, our efforts to learn and do self-study do not appear or come out to be fruitful. The five fruits are the good desire, thought, action, dedication and devotion, which our tree of wisdom gives, when our efforts water it. This need getting help from others as well as from our selves. All those who believe in religion, spiritualism and divinity know about the power of prayer. Even those who do not believe in religion, but believe in philosophy, psychology and the similar know the power of introspection, insight, concentration or even meditation etc. With this as a method we try to pray, meditate, introspect, and use insights etc. for betterment of our self-study and learning for peace of mind and studies.
3. 123-Belief: We meet and talk to great people of all times through books and or direct contact. If we indulge in the interactions as the first, second and the third person, we may not learn the art of communication. Without this art, the self-study and peace seem difficult to attain. Our feeling of reverence activates our Self Study and Learning through and from them. If we accept that we are dependent upon great people and experts, we will be able to learn more from them. It is parallel to saying that if we believe that we know and understand everything, we will be doing lesser SSL or perhaps not at all. The great learners always believe that there is much more to learn. It is 'practical thanks' to great people or experts. 123-Belief means if we do not respect and honor others, particularly our sources of learning, they will be helpless to stay, help and improve us.
Well with these three strong beliefs, I went to give lectures even to the postgraduate students and others, while finding that it works as a wonder. The difference of thought is present among teachers, parents, and students and between teachers and students, students etc. Well, if it affects our Self Study and Learning in any form, we may not learn and acquire the fruits, the gifts, which education, research, and thus the tree of wisdom offers us freely. I have this belief as a practical approach for self-felt learning giving the desired fruits.
Thanks for your reading.